DGUV certification for LaseLCPS-3D-2D - safe container transport for gantry crane systems


LASE has been certified by the DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance) for its product LaseLCPS-3D-2D (Load Collision Prevention System) according to Performance Level d Category 3.

This standard for the safety of machine controls according to DIN EN ISO 13849 is another milestone within product development and meets the highest requirements of today's safety standards in the port industry. This product is used worldwide in inland and overseas ports for collision-free container transport on gantry crane systems.

The performance levels according to DIN EN ISO 13849 are parameters in the field of machine safety that represent the degree of reliability of a safety function. By achieving Performance Level d and thus the second-highest parameter for risk reduction, the LaseLCPS-3D-2D application confirms its high development status and acceptance on the market. With regard to the safety standards of e.g. terminal operators in container ports, it is essential to always have functioning crane machines that have reliable protection against malfunctions. High system availability for gantry crane systems (RMG, RTG) thus ensures more safety in the working areas and constant and predictable processes.

The specific LaseLCPS-3D-2D variant from the LCPS product family consists of a combined 3D/2D laser measurement system in which one 2D and one 3D laser scanner are mounted under the crane trolley. The LaseLCPS application software collects all scan data, performs all necessary calculations and sends the results to the machine control. In order to be able to obtain the information on all existing container stacks in the storage yard area, a 3D profile is first created and saved in the crane and trolley travel direction during commissioning before the very first container is loaded. The scanning planes of the two 2D and 3D laser scanners are always orthogonal to each other.

Furthermore, the storage area is also scanned during regular operation in order to also detect possible shadow areas that were previously covered by raised container stacks, for example. For collision prevention, a dynamic monitoring cube is now generated and displayed within the software around the transported load (container), which permanently checks for an overlap with the container profile. In the event of potential overlap, the LaseLCPS software commands a delay of the crane travel by successively slowing down the travel speed, which can ultimately even lead to a complete stop. In terms of everyday life, the comparison with a parking aid is very close, avoiding collisions and offering the driver beneficial assistance.

In addition, a soft landing function is optionally available for each of the LCPS systems, which ensures gentle container handling. This results in less wear and tear on the crane spreader as well as a significant reduction in noise emissions when setting down.

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