
Automatic Yard Crane
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LaseAYC-2 is used at automated container terminal operation with fully automated container handling in the yard, on truck and wagons. The measuring system is designed for use on ASC, aRMG and aRTG stacking cranes.

The Measuring System

In addition to the control cabinet, IPC and application software, the 3D measurement system consists of two 3D laser scanners of the LASE 3000D Series. Both 3D scanners are installed at a specified distance from each other under the trolley of an automatic stacking crane. The scan data of the 3D scanners enable an exact threedimensional position measurement of containers in the stack, on truck trailers, wagons or AGVs.
The scan data of the 3D scanners enable an exact three-dimensional position measurement of containers in the stack, on truck trailers, wagons or AGVs. The LaseAYC-2 system is used for the automation of container handling and optimized operation of ASC container yards.

The LaseAYC-2 system is used for the automation of container handling and optimized operation of ASC container yards.

The 3D position measurement detects the four corners of the container via the long upper sides of the containers and thus the position of the corner castings. This enables high-precision pickup and set-down tasks to be performed during stacking crane operation. The basic function of the LaseAYC-2 measuring system includes automatic container handling, i.e. picking up and setting down containers in the container stack. Its function can be extended to include picking up and setting down containers from trucks or wagons. 

In addition to the stacking functions, the system also serves as a collision prevention system and prevents collisions of containers on the spreader with containers in the stack. Furthermore, the system prevents hard settling of containers, which reduces noise, wear and tear and maintenance.

General Features

Automatic pick up and set down in the container stack
Advanced function of picking up and setting down containers from trucks or wagons
Position and skew measurement of the container for accurate set down and stacking operations
Position measurement of trucks / trailers / AGVsand containers in transfer areas
Applicable for ASCs (aRMGs) and aRTGs
Uninterrupted and safe container handling
Collision free lowering of the spreader / load into a container slot
Collision avoidance in trolley drive in own as well as in neighbouring stacking areas
Gentle container handling due to soft landings and low wear of the spreader
Additional function: Auto truck and wagon handling

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