Truck Lifting Prevention Multilayer
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Since one or more twistlocks are regularly forgotten when manually unlocking the container twistlocks, dangerous situations arise for people and materials. The LaseTLP-ML measuring system prevents a truck-trailer combination from being lifted by twistlocks that are still locked during container lifting.

As an extension of the system it could also detect truck movement and check if the cabin is in the drop down area.

The Measuring System

This innovative and safety-relevant solution was developed to avoid serious accidents during container truck unloading due to defective or locked twistlocks.
The measuring system can be used for various crane systems such as RTG, RMG and ARMG. LASE developed a reliable system that detects the lifting of the trailer as early as possible. Depending on the type of installation, the application consists of one or two multilayer laser scanners, which are mounted either in the middle of the crossbeam or the ends of the crossbeam or the crane. The scanners face forward from the crane onto the truck/ trailer in the direction of the truck zone. 

The scanners, multiple up to 64 scan planes, measure the gap between the lifted container and the truck trailer to monitor their respective positions relative to each other when the container is lifted. If both objects raise at the same time, the system interrupts the lifting process to prevent accidents. In addition, the application has an extremely fast response time. The application could be retrofitted to any kind of crane or could be used by OEMs directly.

General Features

Highly reliable system
Applicable for all types of truck trailers (20", 40" etc.)
Exact gap measurement between trailer and container
Avoidance of accidents
Time-efficient process optimization
Damage prevention to container and chassis
Reduction of material wear
Easily adaptable also for retrofit measures
Imideate 3D scan and feedback to the crane driver

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